
Marked 中文网


¥Releasing Marked

Marked 使用 semantic-release 发布新版本。所有 PR 都应使用 "压缩和合并" 策略,提交消息应遵循 常规提交指南

¥Marked uses semantic-release to release new versions. All PRs should use the "Squash and merge" strategy and the commit message should follow the conventional commit guidelines.


¥Overall strategy

主版本始终可发货:我们尝试以这样的方式合并 PR,即 master 是唯一真正需要关注的分支,并且 master 始终可以发布。这允许新功能、错误修复等之间的更顺畅的流动。

¥Master is always shippable: We try to merge PRs in such a way that master is the only branch to really be concerned about and master can always be released. This allows smoother flow between new features, bug fixes, and so on.



我们遵循 语义版本控制,其中以下顺序为真 [major].[minor].[patch]

¥We follow semantic versioning where the following sequence is true [major].[minor].[patch]:

  1. 主要:至少对公共 API 进行了一次更改或打破了 CommonMarkGFM 规范。在任何时间点仅支持 当前和 LTS Node.js 版本。对 Node.js 版本的支持减少可能不会导致 Marked 的 semver 出现重大问题。

    ¥Major: There is at least one change to the public API or a break from the CommonMark or GFM spec. Only current and LTS Node.js versions are supported at any point in time. A drop in support for a Node.js version may not result in a semver major bump to Marked.

  2. 次要:至少向公共 API 添加了一项新功能。

    ¥Minor: There is at least one new feature added to the public API.

  3. 补丁:使 Marked 更接近规范合规性的更改或更改不会破坏向后兼容性的公共 API。

    ¥Patch: Changes that move Marked closer to spec compliance or change a public API that does not break backwards compatibility.