
Marked 中文网



Marked 对其社区采取了一种包罗万象的方法。因此,你可以将它们视为 同心圆,其中每个组包含以下组。

¥Marked takes an encompassing approach to its community. As such, you can think of these as concentric circles, where each group encompasses the following groups.

Christopher Jeffrey

Josh Bruce
发布牧马人;人性化助手;超文本的 Heckler

发布牧马人;Dr.文档;当然是开源的;GitHub 大师;人性化助手

Jamie Davis

Tony Brix

Trevor Buckner
Marked 大师



Brandon der Blätter

Carlos Valle
2018 年至 2019 年 Marked 标记的制造者现在

Federico Soave

Karen Yavine
Snyk 的安全圣人

Костя Третяк

Tom Theisen

Mateus Craveiro



发布者是管理员,他们还负责、特权和负担将新版本发布到 NPM 并执行外展和外部利益相关者沟通。此外,当事情变得糟糕时,他们会承受大部分压力。最后,当事情进展顺利时,他们是赞扬使之成为可能的贡献者的主要人选。

¥Publishers are admins who also have the responsibility, privilege, and burden of publishing the new releases to NPM and performing outreach and external stakeholder communications. Further, when things go pear-shaped, they're the ones taking most of the heat. Finally, when things go well, they're the primary ones praising the contributors who made it possible.


¥(In other words, while Admins are focused primarily on the internal workings of the project, Publishers are focused on internal and external concerns.)

不应超过 2:让更多人有权发布版本很快就会变成寻求共识的噩梦(由委员会设计)。最好只有一个(直接负责的个人);但是,考虑到项目的性质及其历史,立即回退和潜在的深度回退(原作者)可能是一个好主意。

¥Should not exceed 2: Having more people with the authority to publish a release can quickly turn into a consensus seeking nightmare (design by committee). Having only one is preferred (Directly Responsible Individual); however, given the nature of the project and its history, having an immediate fallback, and a potential deep fallback (Original author) is probably a good idea.


¥Details on badges




¥Admins are committers who also have the responsibility, privilege, and burden of selecting committers and making sure the project itself runs smoothly, which includes community maintenance, governance, dispute resolution, and so on. (Letting the contributors easily enter into, and work within, the project to begin contributing, with as little friction as possible.)

不应超过 3:当有太多人有能力解决争议时,争议本身很快就会演变成管理员之间的争议;因此,我们希望这个群体足够小,能够采取行动,又足够大,不会给一个人带来太多负担。(应确保更快的解决和响应。)

¥Should not exceed 3: When there are too many people with the ability to resolve disputes, the dispute itself can quickly turn into a dispute amongst the admins themselves; therefore, we want this group to be small enough to commit to action and large enough to not put too much burden on one person. (Should ensure faster resolution and responsiveness.)


¥To be listed: Admins are usually selected from the pool of committers (or they volunteer, using the same process) who demonstrate good understanding of the marked culture, operations, and do their best to help new contributors get up to speed on how to contribute effectively to the project.

待删除:你可以通过 GitHub UI 删除自己。

¥To be removed: You can remove yourself through the GitHub UI.


¥Details on badges




¥Committers are contributors who also have the responsibility, privilege, some might even say burden of being able to review and merge contributions (just usually not their own).

关于 "决策权" 的说明。这与提交 PR 和 建议流程 有关。在采取行动之前,应向被标记为对某个字段拥有决策权的人寻求该字段的建议。

¥A note on "decision making authority". This is related to submitting PRs and the advice process. The person marked as having decision making authority over a certain area should be sought for advice in that area before committing to a course of action.

不应超过 5:对于影响更多代码库且很可能由更多人审查的大型 PR,我们尝试保持这个池子小而灵敏,让那些有决策权的人拥有最终决定权,而不会受到其他提交者的负面影响。

¥Should not exceed 5: For larger PRs affecting more of the codebase and, most likely, review by more people, we try to keep this pool small and responsive and let those with decision making authority have final say without negative repercussions from the other committers.

待列出:提交者通常是从参与 Marked 未来方向讨论的贡献者中选出的(或者他们自愿使用相同的流程)(尽管自己无法合并贡献,但可能也会对贡献进行非正式审查)。

¥To be listed: Committers are usually selected (or they volunteer, using the same process) from contributors who enter the discussions regarding the future direction of Marked (maybe even doing informal reviews of contributions despite not being able to merge them yourself).

待删除:你可以通过 GitHub UI 删除自己。

¥To be removed: You can remove yourself through the GitHub UI.


¥A note on volunteering:

  1. 除非你相信自己可以向同行证明自己可以完成所需的工作,否则请不要自愿参与。

    ¥Please do not volunteer unless you believe you can demonstrate to your peers you can do the work required.

  2. 请不要过度提交;我们指望那些致力于该项目的人能够做出响应。认真考虑一下,在你正在进行的所有事情中,你是否能够真正致力于它。

    ¥Please do not overcommit yourself; we count on those committed to the project to be responsive. Really consider, with all you have going on, whether you able to really commit to it.

  3. 不要让前一个吓跑你,你或你的同事以后总是可以更改它。

    ¥Don't let the previous frighten you away, it can always be changed later by you or your peers.


¥Details on badges



贡献者是提交 PR问题 或协作使 Marked 成为更好的产品并为所有用户提供更好的体验的用户。

¥Contributors are users who submit a PR, Issue, or collaborate in making Marked a better product and experience for all the users.


¥To be listed: make a contribution and, if it has significant impact, the committers may be able to add you here.

待删除:请告知我们或提交 PR。

¥To be removed: please let us know or submit a PR.


¥Details on badges



用户是任何以某种方式使用 Marked 的人,没有他们,我们就没有存在的理由。

¥Users are anyone using Marked in some fashion, without them, there's no reason for us to exist.

个人或组织 网站 项目 提交人
MarkedJS https://marked.nodejs.cn https://github.com/markedjs/marked 标记提交者


¥To be listed: All fields are optional. Contact any of the committers or, more timely, submit a pull request with the following (using the first row as an example):

  • 个人或组织:你希望与记录关联的名称。

    ¥Individual or Organization: The name you would like associated with the record.

  • 网站:项目独立网站的 URL。

    ¥Website: A URL to a standalone website for the project.

  • 项目:使用标记的项目存储库的 URL。

    ¥Project: A URL for the repository of the project using marked.

  • 提交人:添加列表的人的名称和可选敬语。

    ¥Submitted by: The name and optional honorifics for the person adding the listing.


¥To be removed: Same as above. Only instead of requesting addition request deletion or delete the row yourself.



¥Badges? You don't need no stinkin' badges.

电影参考除外。(要么是那样,要么是 "让我们玩游戏吧",但那样会很恐怖……这就是为什么它很可能会在以后出现。)

¥Movie references aside. (It was either that or, "Let's play a game", but that would have been creepy…that's why it will most likely come later.)

徽章?如果你想要 'em,我们得到了'em,这里是你获得它们的方法(以及……戏剧性的停顿……为什么不用两个戏剧性的停顿来强调?……如何将它们带走)。

¥Badges? If you want 'em, we got 'em, and here's how you get 'em (and…dramatic pause…why not two dramatic pauses for emphasis?… how they can be taken away).

  • 在此页面的所需列中为所需贡献者添加适当的徽章,即使他们尚未在此处列出。

    ¥Add the appropriate badge to the desired contributor in the desired column of this page, even if they're not listed here yet.

  • 提交 PR(我们非常重视 PR,如果你还没有注意到,请帮助我们帮助你)。

    ¥Submit a PR (we're big on PRs around here, if you haven't noticed, help us help you).

  • 按照提交徽章 PR 的说明进行操作。(有更多细节可供查找。来吧。每个人都喜欢惊喜,对吧?不是吗?实际上,我们只是尝试将文档放在它应该在的地方,更接近代码和事件序列的一部分。)

    ¥Follow the instructions for submitting a badge PR. (There are more details to find within. Come on. Everybody likes surprises, right? No? Actually, we just try to put documentation where it belongs, closer to the code and part of the sequence of events.)


¥Badges at play:

Curious Contributor
A contributor with less than one year on this page who is actively engaged in submitting PRs, Issues, making recommendations, sharing thoughts…without being too annoying about it (let's be clear, submitting 100 Issues recommending the Marked Committers send everyone candy is trying for the badge, not honestly earning it).
Dr. DevOps

了解并致力于改善开发者体验和 Marked 流入世界的人。

¥Someone who understands and contributes to improving the developer experience and flow of Marked into the world.

"The main characteristic of the DevOps movement is to strongly advocate automation and monitoring at all steps of software construction, from integration, testing, releasing to deployment and infrastructure management. DevOps aims at shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, more dependable releases, in close alignment with business objectives." ~ Wikipedia
Dr. Docs
Someone who has contributed a great deal to the creation and maintenance of the non-code areas of marked.
Eye for the CLI
At this point? Pretty much anyone who can update that man file to the current Marked version without regression in the CLI tool itself.
GitHub Guru
Someone who always seems to be able to tell you easier ways to do things with GitHub.
Humaning Helper
Someone who goes out of their way to help contributors feel welcomed and valued. Further, someone who takes the extra steps(s) necessary to help new contributors get up to speed. Finally, they maintain composure even in times of disagreement and dispute resolution.
Heckler of Hypertext
Someone who demonstrates an esoteric level of knowledge when it comes to HTML. In other words, someone who says things like, "Did you know most Markdown flavors don't have a way to render a description list (dl)? All the more reason Markdown !== HTML."
Markdown Maestro
You know that person who knows about way too many different flavors of Markdown? The one who maybe seems a little too obsessed with the possibilities of Markdown beyond HTML? Come on. You know who they are. Or, at least you could, if you give them this badge.
Master of Marked
Someone who demonstrates they know the ins and outs of the codebase for Marked.
Open source, of course
Someone who advocates for and has a proven understanding of how to operate within open source communities.
Regent of the Regex

你能否在没有 Google 和 Stackoverflow 的情况下证明你理解以下内容?

¥Can you demonstrate you understand the following without Google and Stackoverflow?

/^( )(bull) [\s\S]+?(?:hr|def|\n{2,}(?! )(?!\1bull )\n|\s*$)/


¥Because this author can't yet. That's who gets these.

Seeker of Security
Someone who has demonstrated a high degree of expertise or authority when it comes to software security.
Titan of the Test Harness
Someone who demonstrates high-levels of understanding regarding Marked's test harness.
Totally Tron
Someone who demonstrates they are willing and able to "fight for the users", both developers dependent on marked to do their jobs as well as end-users interacting with the output (particularly in the realm of those with the disabilities).


¥Special badges that come with the job:

A contributor who stepped up to help bring Marked back to life by contributing solutions to help Marked pass when compared against the CommonMark and GitHub Flavored Markdown specifications.
Maker of the Marked mark
This badge is given to the person or organization credited with creating the logo (or logotype) used in Marked communications for a given period of time. **Maker of the Marked mark from 2017 to present**, for example.
Release Wrangler
This is a badge given to all Publishers.
Snyk's Security Saint
This is a badge given to whomever primarily reaches out from Snyk to let us know about security issues.